Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Recap: Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. "Abomination"

Just as a thought experiment, I decided to compile some of my thoughts from past episodes of Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. Let's see...
  • After watching this, I need to go get smashed. 
  • I wish I could have skipped this episode.... 
  • This episode was one big chunk of “meh.” 
  • This episode... ahem...  sucksucksucksucksucksuckSUUUUUUCKS. 
  • I want to assassinate this episode. 
  • This episode was improved enough that it wasn’t bad enough to mock, but not good enough to praise. 
  • As for the episode itself, it wasn’t bad. 
  • Look, it's called "Hulks on Ice." How good could it be? 
  • Good? No. Bad? Not necessarily. 
  • A good episode! The mind boggles! 
  • It sucks. 
  • All in all, a good episode. A very good episode. 
  • It wasn't anything super-special, but that's miles above what episodes like "All About the Ego" give us. 
  • Despite a few annoying elements, this was a good episode.
I'm noticing a trend. Looks like the episodes are improving! Let's see if that keeps up with episode 15, "Abomination."

I'll give the episode this, I've often thought of this show as an abomination.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

View Log: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. "Repairs"

Ah, Repairs. A nice little breather from the subplots, but can it remain interesting despite little to do with the overall story of the series? Let's start from the beginning.

Friday, February 21, 2014

View Log: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. "The Well"

Directed by Jonathan Frakes. Commander Riker himself. 
…well, I’ve nothing more to say about that.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

View Log: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D "The Hub"

Been a busy week for me, so you may have noticed that these posts are late. Sorry about that.
No more time for sorry, though, we’ve got Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. to talk about!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Justice League Archive

Justice League

Justice League Unlimited

Season 1

Season 2

Episode 19: "Double Date"
- Recap
- Review

Young Justice Archive

Season 1
Episode 01: "Independence Day" Recap
Episode 02: "Fireworks" Recap
- Premiere Review
Episode 03: "Welcome to Happy Harbor"
- Recap
- Review 
Episode 04: "Drop Zone"
- Recap
- Review

Beware the Batman Archive

"To those who would hurt the innocent, I give you this one warning. Beware my wrath."
Cartoon Network vs. DC Nation
From Batman: TBATB to Beware the Batman 

Season 1 (Episodes that premiered on Cartoon Network)
Episode 01: "Hunted"
- Recap
- Review
- Original Recap  
Episode 02: "Secrets"
- Recap
- Review
- Original Recap 
Episode 03: "Tests"
- Recap
- Review
- Original Recap
Episode 04: "Safe"
- Recap
- Review
- Original Recap
Episode 05: "Broken"
- Recap
- Review
- Original Recap 
Episode 06: "Toxic "
- Recap
- Review
- Original Recap 
Episode 07: "Family"
- Recap
- Review
- Original Recap
Episode 08: "Allies"
- Recap
- Review
- Original Recap
Episode 09: "Control"

- Recap
- Review
- Original Recap
Episode 10: "Sacrifice"

- Recap
- Review
- Original Recap
Episode 11: "Instinct"

- Recap
- Review
- Original Recap
Season 1 (Episodes that premiered on DVD)
Episode 12: "Attraction"
- Recap
- Review
- Original Recap

Season 1 (Episodes that premiered on Toonami) 
Soon to be added.

Doctor Who Archive

"It all started out as a mild curiosity in the junkyard, and now it's turned out to be quite a great spirit of adventure."
How to Begin Watching Doctor Who

Classic Series (1963-1989)
Season 3 (1965-1966)
"The Gunfighters"
 - Intro
- Episode 1: A Holiday for the Doctor
- Episode 2: Don't Shoot the Pianist
- Episode 3: Johnny Ringo
- Episode 4: The O.K. Corral
- Review

Season 17
- Intro
- Episode 1
- Episode 2
- Episode 3
- Episode 4
- Episode 5
- Episode 6
- Review

TV Movie, "The Enemy Within" (1996)
- Intro
- Part 1: The End
- Part 2: The Doctor and the Doctor
- Part 3: The Beginning
- Review

Revived Series (2005-present)
Series 1

Episode 01: "Rose"
- Recap
- Review
Episode 02: "The End of the World"
- Recap
- Review
Episode 03: "The Unquiet Dead"
- Recap
- Review 
Episode 04: "Aliens of London"
- Recap
Episode 05: "World War Three"
- Recap
- Review: "Aliens of London"/"World War Three"
Episode 06: "Dalek"
- Recap
- Review
Episode 07: "The Long Game"
- Recap
- Review
Episode 08: "Father's Day"
- Recap
- Review

Just For Fun
- Steven Moffat Bingo

Legacy Character Study: The Doctor
The First Doctor
The Second Doctor
The Third Doctor 
The Fourth Doctor 
The Fifth Doctor 
The Sixth Doctor
The Seventh Doctor
-  The Eighth Doctor
The Ninth Doctor
The Tenth Doctor
The Eleventh Doctor, Part 1
The Time War
The Eleventh Doctor, Part 2

Doctor Who, Regenerated

Other Recaps
- Doctor Who: Broadchurch
  - Recap
  - Review

The Spectacular Spider-Man Archive

Living on the edge, fighting crime, spinning webs. Swinging from the highest ledge, he can leap above our heads.
From Spectacular Spider-Man to Ultimate Spider-Man, Part 1
From Spectacular Spider-Man to Ultimate Spider-Man, Part 2

Season 1
Episode 01: "Survival of the Fittest"
- Recap
- Review
Episode 02: "Interactions"
- Recap
- Review 
Episode 03: "Natural Selection"
- Recap
- Review 
Episode 04: "Market Forces"
- Recap
- Review
Episode 05: "Competition"
- Recap
- Review
Episode 06: "The Invisible Hand"
- Recap
- Review

Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. Archive

Hulks, smash.
Failing Feminism in the Marvel Animated Universe

Road to Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H.
USM: "Exclusive"
- Recap
- Review
USM: "Freaky"
- Recap
- Review
USM: "Home Sick Hulk"
- Recap
- Review
USM: "The Incredible Spider-Hulk"
- Recap
- Review

Season 1
Episode 01: "Doorway to Destruction, Part 1"
- Recap
Episode 02: "Doorway to Destruction, Part 2"
- Recap
"Doorway to Destruction, Parts 1 & 2"
- Review
Episode 03: "Hulk Busted"
- Recap
- Review
Episode 04: "The Collector"
- Recap/Review
Episode 05: "All About the Ego"
- Recap/Review 
Episode 06: "Savage Land"
- Recap
- Review
Episode 07: "Incredible Shrinking Hulks"
- Recap
- Review
Episode 08: "Hulks on Ice"
- Recap
- Review
Episode 09: "Of Moles and Men"
- Recap
- Review
Episode 10: "Wendigo Apocalypse"
- Recap
- Review
Episode 11: "The Skaar Whisperer"
- Recap/Review
Episode 12: "Into the Negative Zone"
- Recap/Review 
Episode 13: "Red Rover"
- Recap
- Review
Episode 14: "The Venom Inside"
- Recap
- Review 
Episode 15: "Galactus Goes Green"
- Recap
- Review
Episode 16: "The Trouble with Machines"
- Recap/Review 
Episode 17: "Abomination"
- Recap
- Review
Episode 18: "Mission: Impossible Man"
- Recap
- Review 
Episode 19: "For Asgard"
- Recap
- Review 
Episode 20: "Stranger in a Strange Land"
- Recap
- Review
Episode 21: "Deathlok"
- Recap
- Review
Episode 22: "Inhuman Nature"
- Recap
- Review 
Episode 23: "The Hunted"
- Recap
- Review 
Episode 24: "Monsters No More"
- Recap
- Review
Episode 25: "Planet Leader"
- Recap
- Review
Episode 26: "It's a Wonderful Smash"
- Recap
- Review 

Season 1 Review

Season 2
Episode 27: "Planet Hulk, Part 1"
- Recap
Episode 28: "Planet Hulk, Part 2"
- Recap
"Planet Hulk, Parts 1 & 2"
- Review
Episode 29: "Hulking Commandos"
- Recap
- Review
Episode 30: "Fear Itself"
- Recap
- Review
Episode 31: "Guardians of the Galaxy"
- Recap
- Review
Episode 32: "Future Shock"
- Recap
- Review 
Episode 33: "A Druff is Enough"
- Recap
- Review
Episode 34: "Homecoming"
- Recap
- Review
Episode 35: "Spidey, I Blew Up the Dinosaur"
- Recap
- Review 
Episode 36: "The Strongest One There Is"
- Recap
- Review 
Episode 37: "The Doppelsmashers"
- Recap
- Review
Episode 38: "The Big Green Mile"
- Recap
- Review

Monday, February 17, 2014

Batman: the Brave and the Bold Archive

"Justice wins the day thanks to the Brave and the Bold!" -Batman
From Batman: TBATB to Beware the Batman
Top Ten Team-ups 

Season 1
Episode 01: "The Rise of the Blue Beetle!"
- Recap
- Review

Episode 03: "Evil Under the Sea!"
Episode 04: "Day of the Dark Knight!"
Episode 05: "Invasion of the Secret Santas!"
Episode 07: "Dawn of the Dead Man!"
-  Recap
-  Review
Episode 09: "Journey to the Center of the Bat!"
Episode 11: "Return of the Fearsome Fangs!"
Episode 15: "Trials of the Demon!"
-  Recap
-  Review
Episode 19: "Legends of the Dark Mite!"
Episode 26: "Inside the Outsiders!"

Season 2
Episode 17: "The Mask of Matches Malone!" (aka the "Lost" Episode)
Episode 19: "Emperor Joker!"

The Batman Archive

Season 1
Episode 01: "The Bat in the Belfry"
- Recap
- Review
Episode 02: "Traction"
- Recap
- Review
Episode 03: "Call of the Cobblepot"
- Recap
- Review 
Episode 04: "The Man Who Would be Bat"
- Recap
- Review
Episode 05: "The Big Chill"
- Recap
- Review 

Season 2
Episode 15: "Riddled"
- Recap
- Review

Season 3
Episode 39: "Gotham's Ultimate Criminal Mastermind"
- Recap
- Review

Season 4
Episode 47: "Two of a Kind"
- Recap
- Review

FYI: NewtCave Rearrangement

Well, I've hit a bit of a snag, behind the scenes. It seems that Blogger only gives you a maximum of 20 pages (not to be confused with posts) per blog. I've used up all of mine on archive pages, it seems. Eh, live and learn.

Basically, the NewtCave will be undergoing a restructuring of sorts. Essentially, I'll be recreating the old archives as new archives for my Recaps and Reviews as posts, not pages. As such, the main page of my blog is going to look a bit clogged with these archives pretty soon.

Please bear with me while the new archives are arranged; the process will begin towards the end of the day on Tuesday, February 18th and should be done by Thursday.

Recap/Review: Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. "The Trouble with Machines"

So, you know that running gag where the Hulks crash their jet every episode? Well, I guess it’s not a “gag.” Okay, so you know that running happenstance where the Hulks crash their jet every episode? Well, this time, the jet’s out for revenge! No, seriously, that’s the plot of the episode. That’s… a clever idea. I’m suspicious. Who are you and what have you done with Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H.!?

The Hulkjet's back, and it's out for blood. Green blood. And some blue blood. And orange glowy blood.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Review: Young Justice "Independence Day" & "Fireworks"

Well, there's a lot to talk about from these two episodes, so let's do it in order.

Recap: Young Justice "Fireworks"

When we last left our heroes… nah, these Recaps are long enough without also recapping the episode before. Go read this if you need a refresher.

Baby you're a fiiiiiiiiiirewooooooooorrrk. ...I'm sorry.

Recap: Young Justice "Independence Day"

Happy 25,000 views, everybody! I've been doing this for almost a year at this point, and I can get the hint when you guys want something. Especially when you guys vote in a poll! So without further ado, here's the Recap/Review you guys wanted!

Let's begin our look back at...

Bring it back, DC Nation!

View Log: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. "The Girl in the Flower Dress"

Can I just say before we begin I don't know anything about The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo? Any references to that in this episode, if there were any, went over my head. Sorry.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Sketchbook: Hypno-Hustler Redesign

"I have a redesign request. Hypno-Hustler. ... I'm sorry. But it had to be said"
-That One Anon

I knew it would come to this. A redesign of a one-note, Z-list, joke of a character.


Now, you may notice that this redesign was done pretty quickly. Don't expect that to be a regular thing. I mean, I'm only Human Afterall. The expediency for this one is because of my schedule being more accommodating than usual and CERTAINLY NOT because I gave up on my redesign of Doc Ock because I kept running into the same issues that I detailed in this post. Except yes it is.

Do it! Do it! Do it! Do the Hustle! Do the Hustle!
Hypno-Hustler is a 70's villain whose outfit gives him the ability to take over minds through music. He can use Da Funk of the music to make you Lose Yourself to Dance and do his bidding. Kind of like the Music Meister, from the B:TBATB episode where he sent his hypnotic voice Around the World.

With this redesign, I gave myself a few rules, as per usual.
  1. Keep the round, pink lenses.
  2. Keep the chest speaker.
  3. Keep the pink microphone.
  4. Keep the character funky.
Let's see how I did!

View Log: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. "FZZT"

"FZZT," huh? That's the same sound my drink made when I opened it at the beginning of the episode. Said drink was some kind of strawberry daiquiri wine-cooler-type-thing, so I was not watching this episode entirely sober, but not technically drunk. I wake up wishing I were dead if I have more than one. I might be a lightweight, but I make up for that by weighing a lot. Heh, you might say I typed a View Log on an episode called FZZT while buzzed. Don't know if that's ironic, and I don't much care! Let's begin!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Review: Justice League Unlimited "Double Date"

You know, you can tell that Gail Simone likes the Birds of Prey team. I mean, she includes them in a lot of things she writes. This episode, "The Mask of Matches Malone!", the Bird of Prey comic...

And yet, she didn't actually write for the live-action adaptation of the Birds of Prey comic. Huh.
But let's get down to business. It's Valentine's Day; I have a gigantic heart-shaped cookie to deliver.

Recap: Justice League Unlimited "Double Date"

Happy Valentine's Day!

Today, I’ve decided to give you all a valentine of your very own: my first Recap/Review of a Justice League episode! You’re welcome. Specifically, we’re going to be looking at the era known as Justice League Unlimited, where the League’s membership expanded to around a hundred different heroes, focusing on old favorites, new favorites, A-Listers and C-Listers alike! A sort of proto-Brave and the Bold, basically.

So let’s take a look at an episode thematically important for today, “Double Date.” Oh, and look! Written by Gail “I-put-three-solid-minutes-of-double-entendres-into-a-Batman-cartoon” Simone. This is going to be great!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Review: Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. "Galactus Goes Green"

Now, this was a good episode, but it still had some flaws. Thankfully, some of those flaws mainly stem from the problems the series as a whole has. This episode told a good story fairly well, albeit with a few hiccups.

Recap: Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. "Galactus Goes Green"

Well, you know what they say: Once you go green... you reduce your carbon footprint? I don't know, I don't have the inclination to make a better "Once you go _____" joke. Now, when this episode only existed as an Avengers Assemble DVD-exclusive, I came up with two theories about the plot.

A. Galactus tries to utilize renewable energy to satiate his hunger for planets.
B. Galactus... shall we say, "breaches She-Hulk's Gamma reactor." You know, a little "nuclear fusion." Dinner dancing, wining, dining, then back to his place to "Scram the control rod."
A little bit of the ol'
n0  6
→  3
+ 4.784 MeV, if you get my drift.

Nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more, eh?

"Are you trying to insinuate something?"
"No! No. No no no. no. ...Yes."
Well, the episode is primarily about She-Hulk....
Prepare to bleach your brain, should the need arise.

What happens in Vegas... no, too easy.

View Log: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D "Eye Spy"

Let’s get the first part of this out of the way. I enjoyed "Eye Spy." At this point in time, I recommend the episode. Now, I want to get a little more analytical.

"High concept" refers to a work that can be summed up in a basic idea. It doesn't necessarily have to be a particularly new or interesting idea, but an easy-to-summarize idea.

For example...

Star Trek: TOS (A "wagon train to the stars"; or "Horatio Hornblower in space")
Dog with a Blog (A dog has a blog)

Hot Tub Time Machine (A hot tub is also time machine)
Superman: Red Son ("What if baby Kal-El landed in Soviet Russia?")

Is this Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episode high concept? …eeehhhh.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

View Log: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. "The Asset"

I'm not a huge TV guy. I watch a few things, like Doctor Who, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and a couple others. I've never seen Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, or any of those HBO shows. Being a full-time college student, I only have time for so many obsessions. As such, I can't really analyze this show in the same vein as the Critbox; I can't view this alongside and compare it to award-winning drama. All I can do is watch it and tell you how it adapts the source material and, more importantly, whether or not I enjoyed it. As some of you may know from my own site, I dislike "reviewing" new things because I feel that proper evaluation requires time to let initial feelings settle so things can be looked at critically. As such, I plan to eventually re-watch and review AoS at season's end. But for now? Let's look at my initial reactions to Episode 3, "The Asset."

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

View Log: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D "0-8-4"

Well, this is a little late, I know. There’s been a lot of hate going around for this last episode, and the show in general, so I wanted to really think this one over. I read the Artsy Core’s response to the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. pilot. I can say that I learned a few things.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Review: The Batman "Gotham's Ultimate Criminal Mastermind"

After watching this episode again, I got a weird Dark Knight Rises vibe from it. Super-smart, super-strong villain with a cool coat? Who commits a robbery that Batman is utterly unable to stop? Whose goal is to defeat and humiliate Batman? And leaves Bruce Wayne penniless due to stock fraud? And has a secret mastermind behind him who pretends to be an ally of Bruce Wayne?

...am I reading too much into this?

Recap: The Batman "Gotham's Ultimate Criminal Mastermind"

Whenever they make any sort of movie with an evil villain (i.e. most movies), what does the audience always say? “If I were him, I’d do _____ and then I’d beat the hero.”

Villains are a tricky thing. They need to be defeated, but they can’t be incompetent. Today, I’m going to look at a rare happenstance. We’re going to see what happens when Batman runs into Gotham’s Ultimate Criminal Mastermind.

Yo, DAVE, I'm really happy for you, and I'ma let you finish, but Lex Luthor's the greatest criminal mind of our time.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Ranting and Rambling: The Casting of Superman/Batman

Well, the latest round of casting has hit the internet, and people are responding. Big time. And here I am, throwing my hat into the ring. Again, I want to make explicitly clear that everyone is entitled to their opinions, and these are just mine. If you disagree, that’s fine, I won’t tell you that you’re wrong. But I will try to defend my point. And with that disclaimer, let’s begin!
Maybe this move's actually about Most Excellent Superbat? That would be a twist.

View Log: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. "Pilot"

Well, it's me, Newt. Remember me? I said I'd be doing guest posts on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.? Anyway, There's a little phrase that I went back and forth over whether or not I should use it when posting these View Logs: "In the comics."

I firmly believe that this show must work on its own merits. ...But I still think that over 60 years of publication history is important to at least touch upon. Besides, we've got the Artsy Core him?/her?/it?self for the non-comic reader's perspective. Still, I'll keep in mind that not everyone will know everything I know about the comic history.
Well, the title's accurate. Agents appeared, and they were members of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Sketchbook: Powerpuff Girls, Frank Miller Style

There's a couple different comic covers that have made news fairly recently. But, really? It could be a lot worse than it is.

Friday, February 7, 2014

View Log: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Promo #1

I know I’m a little bit late to the party for what I’m going to be bringing up, but I prefer to think of myself as early to the party for the stuff that hasn’t happened yet!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Recap/Review: DC Showcase "The Spectre"

Now, Marvel might be monopolizing the superhero film genre with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but there is one area that DC has been routinely kicking Marvel's butt for a while: Animation.

DC has been coming out with animated films for a while now. They started with the lackluster Superman: Doomsday and worked their way up, creating numerous masterpieces like Crisis on Two Earths and Superman vs. the Elite. Alongside these, DC's been packaging shorter works featuring other characters, similar to the teasers in Batman: the Brave and the Bold, which would often test the waters to see if certain characters could prove successful. Today, I'll be taking a look at the very first of these short adventures,
DC Showcase: The Spectre.

James Bond, Dungeons and Dragons, that one movie with John Hurt, there's too many possible references.

View Log: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Prologue Rebuttal

Hello, all you Artsy Core readers! My name is Newt, and I'm new!  Well, I'm new here. Over at the NewtCave, I've posted Reviews/Recaps of TV Shows, and various articles on comic book characters, comic book deaths, and more.

As you may have figured out, I do love me some comic books, and I've a bit of experience with the Blogtubes, and the Facetweets, and the Tumblrupons, and the whatnots. And so, I've been brought on by the Artsy Core him?/her?/it?self to provide a counterpoint analysis of ABC's upcoming Avengers spin-off, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., not only as a non-spherical-flesh-and-blood-person, but also as a comic book fan.

The original plan was to send me up to space on this bone-shaped Satellite they salvaged back in the late 90's and send me episodes to watch with these two robots, but I vetoed that. Unlike some of the Artsy Core's ilk, I have no desire to go to space. Don't like space. Space too big.

Now, before I begin to give my opposing view on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., I would like to stress that just because I may disagree with Artsy Core, I'm not saying that AC's wrong. I've written a post addressing the subject before, but it bears repeating: People are allowed to have their own opinions. I will probably be disagreeing with the Artsy Core on numerous points. Let's make one up for an example! (I wish to stress that I'm making this up off of the top of my head; I do not know if my example will be true. Probably not.)

Artsy Core: I thought that the cameo of Doctor Doom was unnecessary, doing little more than shouting at the viewer, "HEY! THIS IS MARVEL COMICS, REMEMBER?!"
Newt: While a bit gratuitous, I thought that the inclusion of a Doctor Doom cameo was a nice little bone to the fans who want to see him in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, despite the movie rights to the Fantastic Four and such characters being owned by Fox.

Who's right? Neither of us; there is no "right" or "wrong" in this sort of case, there are only opinions. I could wax on for pages and pages on the merits of authorial intent, audience interpretation, etc., but the point I'm trying to stress is that at the end of the day, I will have my opinion, and Artsy Core will have his?/hers?/its?opinion. And that's fine. Now let's begin!
Well, we do know that the title will be accurate.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

FYI: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Posts, Important Update!

Hello, NewtCave readers (especially you, That One Anon).

It seems there has been a misunderstanding, and I take full responsibility. That last post I archived here was not written by me, but by the Critical Cablebox. With his permission, I reuploaded it here to my blog for the sake of completeness (because in my re-uploaded posts, I make references to things he said and wanted to avoid that sort of confusion).

I have since decided to remove the previous post to nip any further confusion in the bud. I apologize for the previous confusion.

Let me now say the following things to set the record straight on a few points:
  • I liked the Avengers film.
  • I like Joss Whedon's work, in general.
  • I love Firefly, but I've never seen Dollhouse or Alphas.
  • I'm not a fan of artsy drama.
  • I've never seen Pushing Dasies.
Hopefully, that settles everything. Again, I'd like to profusely apologize for the misunderstanding.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Review: Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. "The Venom Inside"

I’d imagine that for this, which was the last HatAoS episode for a short while, the writers sat down and decided that they wanted to create an episode that really got to the core of the show, summing up its run. Then they decided that they didn’t want to make an episode that was 100% awful and gave us a crossover, instead.

Recap: Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. "The Venom Inside"

Well, here we are. The final episode of Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. for a while. At least, until they broadcast “Galactus Goes Green,” an as-of-yet-DVD-exclusive episode. (Note: this was originally written before I discovered that "Galactus Goes Green has been broadcast. Oh joy.) But enough about that. Here we are, fourteen episodes watched. I feel a great many mixed emotions. Mainly relief. Come on, let’s power through this one.

Technically, it should be the Venom outside, because he covers your body. ...yes, I'm nitpicking.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

FYI: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. View Logs Update

Well, this shouldn't be news, but I've been doing View Logs of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. over at the Critical Cablebox's blog. However, it most likely is news, judging by link traffic.

Now, the Critical Cablebox has gone and gotten himself a job in the entertainment industry. The nerve of that guy, trying to further his career and be successful instead of spend his time and effort entertaining people about a dozen people for free! ...I'm very sad all of a sudden.

In all seriousness, though, I wish him the best of luck with his endeavors.

Now, he'll be leaving his blog up and running for now. But because I'd be the only person posting on his blog, I've decided to consolidate my posts. Basically, I'm going to re-upload all my posts from there over here.

So you can look forward to that over the next couple months as I upload them one-by-one. Yeah, you could just go over to his site and look at them, and I won't stop you. I'm just bringing them over here to make things easier. For the sake of completeness, I will be uploading a couple of his posts as well, because we engaged in a bit of a dialogue with our reviews. (Edit: Nope.)

Once again, good luck with your future, Critical Cablebox.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Sketchbook: Blue Falcon, Frank Miller Style

I often like to experiment with mimicry of another artist's style. Usually Jack Kirby or Frank Miller. Here's an example!

Circa 2013; Based after Frank Miller's Batman

The image is based off of Batman from The Dark Knight Returns.
Long-time readers of my blog may remember the inspiration.